
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pirate Dogs

If you would like to read an account of our recent road trip from an entirely different point of view, go to Beez's blog, Pirate Dogs & Pilgrims, and see Driving 580 Miles for a Burger.


  1. what kind of dog is the one on the far right? he's got a cute mug!

  2. From left to right: Weetzie the Chih-schnauzer, Emma the cockapoo, and Leny the sharprador (Shar Pei/lab mix). You can see another photo of Leny (short for Magdalena New Mexico and pronounced Lainey) at
    She is the funniest and coolest dog we have ever had. We adopted her from the NH SPCA in Stratham, NH. They had transported her in from a kill shelter in Ohio, where she had been picked up as an "unclaimed stray," a phrase that fills us with sadness. I can't imagine anyone not wanting to claim her.


  3. i have always liked sharpeis! so cute and full of energy.
