Skippy Kee, aka Minky, Mink, Keeker, Skip, Scampy, Skimpy, Mrs. Manyfingers, Stimpy, Stompy, Little Horse, and Kee, has just returned after being missing for 12 days. I could give you the story as I know it, but you can read a far better version on Beez's blog.
Update on Skippy: She even made the newspaper!
From here on out, every time I look at Skimpy, I'm going to see her as the little miracle cat. Twelve days lost and alone in the high temps of NM is a long time for a little cat who is used to having a secure temperate environment with her own chair, her own napmate, her own herd of pirate dogs and her own trained humans. I'm thrilled that Skimpy is back. She's a dainty little powerhouse. Welcome home, Skimpy!