
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fahrenheit Relativity

Looking out the kitchen door; New Hampshire in February

Sometimes in the middle of a seemingly endless New England winter, there would come a sunny day. Even though the temperature might be only 35 degrees, it would be enough to melt the snow from the porch. We'd sit outside barefooted and in shirtsleeves, squinting as the sun bounced off the snowbanks. It would be a hopeful day, filled with thoughts of coming flowers and spring rains, even though we knew we'd soon return to weeks more of winter.

Now that we've experienced our second summer in Clovis, we've become used to week after week of 90 degree days and never ending sunny skies. Now, here in mid-August, we have started experiencing a series of cool, damp days and nights. We're bundling up with quilts at night and with long pants and sweaters during the days--days that might start out at (brrr) 60 degrees.

I guess we're losing our New England toughness. Maybe this winter we won't snicker when we see people wearing boots, parkas, and earmuffs on one of our "chilly" 50 degree winter days. Maybe we'll even wear jackets this year.

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