
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Early Morning, Before the Clouds Moved In--For Skywatch Friday

I was out early the other morning admiring this sliver of moon next to Venus. I think I finally (accidentally) found the button to push on my camera that stops the flash from going off automatically.
Good thing I ran for the camera, by the way. Moments after these shots were taken, clouds moved in and completely hid the moon. If I were a "late" riser--up after 5:38 AM, say--I would have missed this wonderful sky...

For sky photos from all over the world, taken all through the day and night, be sure to check out Skywatch Friday.


  1. What lovely shots, Clariz!! And you did catch it perfectly! Don't you love it when that happens? The colors are so soft!

    Have a great weekend!


  2. Oh I love the first! That dark blue is almost unbearably beautiful - and the whiteness of the moon and the Morning Star add so much more to it!

  3. Great shots. You always have to keep your camera handy!

  4. Oh, these are just heart-stoppingly beautiful! You captured a wonderful progression. Kudos!!

  5. I find it so hard to capture a beautiful shot of the moon, much less Venus, as you have. Just phenomenal. =)

  6. That skinny moon just kept hanging in up there. Nice series.

  7. Beautiful captures. Skies look great in the morning.

  8. Thank for visiting!Great sky!

  9. Early risers get great photos! I love this series. Now, I have to watch for Venus in the morning.

  10. Beautiful! The bottom photo looks like the clouds are holding hands.
