
Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Morning Mile Gets Earlier and Earlier

On these warm pre-summer mornings I'm finding that I need to start out for my walk earlier and earlier. As soon as it is light enough to see and be seen, I take off. That means that while I'm doing the first half of the walk, heading west, the sun isn't up yet. When I head back home, it's into the glare of the rising sun, which is just coming up over the mountains and behind the trees in this photo.


  1. If I lived where I could walk, I would. I live on hills ... so I'd have to drive somewhere. Your walk looks lovely. I have woods for you to sit near with birds to listen to oh and those owls ...and a pesky snowshoe siamese who is helping me type ...

  2. JC, special post just for you coming on Monday!

  3. Ha...just the opposite for us here in western WA. In the evening we walk with the new Greyhound and do it around 7-ish. We are usually trying to beat the rainstorm approaching from the mountains, and, ugh, didn't make it last night. Thanks goodness for the new rain gear from REI!

  4. Just five more days until the days get shorter again, mom! Summer already!
