
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy Rainbows for Skywatch

I was so frustrated when taking these photos because things kept getting in the way. You see, I expect a perfect rainbow at all times (just ask my sister) with no ice cream stand roofs (1st photo) in the way; and with no messy-looking vacant lots (2nd photo) cluttering up the foreground. 

On the other hand, my Princess Bluebird (again, ask my sister) heart is so happy to present these less-than-perfect shots for Skywatch because, for the first time in several days, I am finally able to upload photos to Blogger. It wasn't Blogger's fault, it was my connection. 

Ah, well, I should stop with the fussing and smile at the rainbows. I hope that you will enjoy them, too, even though they are imperfect and very, very real world. 

Rainbow at the ice cream stand (mmm, expresso sundaes)

Double rainbow with a steer's skull cloud, very Southwestern

For more shots of skies everywhere, be sure to visit Skywatch Friday.

P.S. I almost forgot, until reminded by Luke's comment (see below, and the link that follows in my comment) that while I was trying to get a good shot of the rainbow, I could hear people all around me saying, "Oh, man, it's so intense!" Will we ever be able to look at another rainbow without hearing that guy's voice inside our heads?


  1. Gorgeous rainbows and skies! And your photos are marvelous regardless of those pieces of the real world that do have a way of intruding! Hope you have a beautiful weekend, Clairz!


  2. OH beautiful! Any rainbow is worthwhile viewing, 'specially the ones in New Mexico!

  3. Spectacular view. Perfect shot of the rainbow.

  4. It's almost a double rainbow!, so intense!

    My Path

  5. Great captures! I totally understand how frustrating it can be to see a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL sky with an ugly.UGLY landscape - or whatever - under it. You did good!

  6. They are Beautiful! I've never captured a rainbow, and these are gorgeous. I love the double rainbow.

  7. Beautiful Rainbow shots.
    You did good..

  8. Love Them !!!

    How lucky of you to have your camera with you. We saw a double but we were in the car on the freeway ... amazing what the sky does sometimes.

  9. I love pictures of the rainbow, and I think yours looks great, I see nothing wrong with a bit of the real world in the picture. They are both gorgeous.

  10. Wonderful rainbow pictures. It is intense. I know all about objects getting in the way while you are trying to get the perfect shot. I live between bricks and concrete.

  11. I did not realise there was an entire nomenclature to do just with rainbows! All I know is that they are devilishly difficult to campture well on film. You done swell.

  12. Clair, they're awesome! I especially like the one with the little clouds! That was funny that you'll associate the pic w/ the people saying "that's so intense."
    when I posted my last rainbow pics on FB, one of my friends sent me this link
    (except I don't know how to make it link on a comment!) or put yosemite bear mountain giant double rainbow in the utube search box. The guy is likely on drugs or something, but it's kinda funny!

  13. Ok, Clair, I just finished a 10 hour shift & I'm a little slow. I went back to re-read your post & THIS time, clicked on the link!!! Too funny that that was the link I was trying to leave you! Great minds think alike!

  14. Wow, would I love to get a shot like that! Actually, I don't think I've ever seen a rainbow like that...much less tried to photograph it.

    Clair, your son's photos were terrific! No wonder you pics are always so have a pro in the family! ;) So now I will never, ever be able to take a single shot of anything!!

  15. Incredible! God sure makes some pretty colors and amazing skies. Happy Friday!

  16. Gotta love that second one. The light is so great! And it's a double!

  17. Oh my! It's been a long time since I saw a rainbow in our place. Really love this shot because it reminds me of my childhood. :)

  18. Oh my gosh that's so unusual - what a rare and spectacular find!

  19. Wonderful captures of the rainbows and how cool a double one. Happy skywatching!

  20. The second photo is just the most spectacular photo! Well done.

  21. Somehow the second shot you captured takes on a magical feel or look to the photograph. Nice job!
    Joyce M

  22. What a wonderful opportunity to see a rainbow!

    Admiring both photos, but I love the double rainbow; can just imagine the intensity of the colors.
    The buildings and the light pole adds realism, the reality of life during a special phenomenon.
    Happy Skywatch Friday!

  23. Wow, wow and wow! My hand would have been shaking trying to get a shot!

  24. I've never seen it raining FROM the actual rainbow before.

    I know what you mean by things getting in the way. So often I'm surprised when I look at the shot I've just taken - where did all these buildings/lamp posts/random people come from?
