
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Field Trip, and a New Rooster

In the few days since this was taken, the girls seem to have doubled in size

I am writing this on Sunday, while we are waiting for the chicken coop man to deliver the new home for our girls. You didn't think we were building it ourselves, did you? Our talents simply do not run in that direction.

As impatient as we are about this delivery, the four chicken girls in the guest room are even more anxious. They have quickly outgrown the large dog crate that is housing them and are longing for another dust bath like the one they all took yesterday while on a field trip to the back yard. 

Pardon the untidiness; Albertina insisted on bringing along the bits of newspaper she was still reading

And they long to be back in the company of the newest member of the flock, Big Peck.
Isn't he a charmer? He's tall, too, nearly up to my hip


  1. Can't wait to see the new coop! I've got to build a bigger/better winter home for my girls and am now obsessed with coop designs.

  2. They do seem cooped up .. lol. Just had too.

  3. yes, as a matter of fact I did think you were building it yourself! really. I love the color of your girls. can't wait to see their new home.

  4. Looks like a typical teenage room - books and magazines strewn everywhere, remains of snacks...
