
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What Places Would You Go?

Next week I plan to get back to posting about the fiber projects I'm working on, and there are (I'm afraid) several of them. But before I leave the topic of travel, Sallie's comment on the last post reminded me that there are lists to be made.

I'd like to start my list of places to see with the Galapagos, as I know a couple of people who have been there. Go to An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel to read what Kay has to say about the place (once on her blog, search Galapagos to find all her posts on the subject).

In talking with my knitting group, I learned about barge travel through canals in France from Marilyn, who was kind enough to bring photos of her trip there some 30 years ago. Without her stories, I would never have known a thing about barge travel, where there is time to walk along the tow-paths and to bike into the passing towns. And Susan, another knitter, said that the best way to see Paris, the City of Light, is to hire a taxi for a ride down the Champs Elysees at night.

So we've already put travel by barge or river boat (and taxi!) through France on our list; but we'd also like river barging in England, Italy, and Germany, and perhaps even some travels in China and Russia.

But you are experts in travel, I just know it. I'm sure you have suggestions of places where you've been or where you'd like to go that we should add to our list.

We are looking for any ideas about any kind of travel, although I might add that we are not very formal people and that we prefer not to be too organized and touristy. To us, slow travel is best, especially now that we have tried the train and loved it.

What do you say? I'd love to hear your experiences and suggestions. 


  1. I would go to Germany where my son is right now. But I have my job, his dog and two cats. I have responsibilities I can't leave. He even offered to pay for everything..including the trip over.

  2. Margie, I just can't hold back: You spend so much time looking after other people, there are surely folks who would take care of your dog and cats and who would look in on your house. I hope you go on the trip to Germany (and take pictures)!

  3. My only real travel trip adventure was a three month hippy roadtrip through Mexico/Guatemala/Belize in a Citroen in 1973.

    Hawaii and England were very nice.

    Speaking of roadtrips, my favorite reality show star, Boston Rob from Survivor, is doing a show on the History Channel "Around The World In 80 Ways"... using a different mode of travel (hot air balloon, speedboat, donkey...) for each leg of the trip. Might be kind of fun to watch.

  4. oops, I missed the point of your question, sorry about that.

    I would go somewhere tropical with turquoise water and white sand and spend endless days swimming in the ocean and slathering on the sunscreen.

  5. I have a trip to Machu Picchu on my Travel Bucket List.
    And I've always wanted to visit Ireland and Scotland.

    For something a little less exotic I'd also like to visit The Bay of Fundy in Novia Scotia, Drive The Road to Hana in Hawaii, ride a Zip-line through the rain forests of Costa Rica, ride a mule/donkey into the Grand Canyon, visit Alaska and the PNW, and take a Fall Leaf and Maple Syrup Tour through New England.

    And of course, I'd love to Letterbox the entire way.

    I better get busy to make all that happen! lol!


  6. Glad my comment inspired you!

    To celebrate our Golden Anniversary year we went to London for three months. Rented a flat and saw everything we wanted to see traveling only by public transportation. It was wonderful and fulfilled two of our bucket list goals -- to see what it was like to live in a real CITY and .. of course being overseas and seeing London.

    Lots of things still on our list, but that trip was for our golden anniversary and it was in 2007 --- so we can sort of say accurately now "so many places, so little..."

    We are grateful for every adventure even the small ones and enjoying every day even if we don't make it to Costa Rica and .........etc ;>).

  7. Love your blog! Slow travel is the best; my hubby and I much prefer it. I've never done train travel, but I'm hoping to soon. Your descriptions really inspired me to get on it. We love to use the site when planning our vacations. It's a great resource. Happy Trails!

  8. Ah Clair, everything else could be managed except my job. I need that job.

  9. Trains! One of these days I travel out to the US West and across Canada by train. I'd also love to do some travel by bike, possibly in Europe.

    Morocco was also a lovely trip (that invovled trains, planes, bus, car...).

  10. I am with you on travel - not formal, not touristy. When I retire - probably around the age of 72 - I hope I have the ablity to do some Untours. Here is their website: This page will take you to Europe, but they provid untour services all over the world. I know people who have done this before, it seems like the perfect blend of getting familiar with a country/town/city - but still being able to do everything on your own. But my real dream vacation has been to do what you just did - take a train across the country, and get off now and then...

  11. I have a yearning for Alaska.... driving the highway. (I don't like to fly at all. )
    Though they are touristy, I love the National Parks... and would actually like to stay at all those old fancy lodges the have, most of which I think were built during the CCC era.
    Would love to go to Banff.
    And to see Polar bears in their natural habitat.
    I dream of extended backpacking trips... though I'd need to get in a lot better shape & better do it soon- not getting any younger!
    So much to see & do. Have fun planning your next adventure!
