
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

10th Anniversary

I almost always miss anniversaries, and this one was no different. I still want to celebrate it, though. 

The first post on The Zees Go West appeared 10 years ago this month on July 5, 2007. It was called Aux Arcs and Beyond and was about our trip by car when we moved from New Hampshire to New Mexico.

We traveled 2000 miles through 14 states in four days; used 11 tanks of gas; and saw license plates from every state but Wyoming, Montana, North and South Dakota, Alaska, and Hawaii. We traveled in three time zones, saw the World's Largest Cross, and lots of kudzu. We saw signs for parks named Hungry Mother, Frozen Head, and Toad Suck; we passed by Pickles Gap Village and Dollywood; and we drove by exits for Little Skin Bayou and Mount Magazine.

We traveled with two dogs (one of whom is still living) and three cats (one still with us; the others are buried out back in the pet graveyard) and lots of houseplants.

Gracie loves chicken TV

I wondered at the time what I would write about next. It turns out that wasn't such a problem after all, as there have been 1135 posts since then. Good grief, 1135! And 381,695 page views...


  1. Happy Anniversary to you and to your readers!

  2. I have always enjoyed your posts, Clair.

  3. happy Blog-i-versary! That was quite a roadtrip ... you two made a great move back then! I don't think I've been visiting quite that long, but remember when I first dropped by thinking how wonderful it was that you decided to make a big change like you did.

    I'm in my 10th year of blogging as well ... started when we were in London for our Golden Anniversary .... first post was June 2007 . i thought of it more as a travel diary and keeping family informed ... for quite a while I didn't really know about visiting other blogs. Now that is part of what I love about this hobby! Back then I s never dreamed I'd keep it up this long either.

    1. Sallie, I'm pretty sure it was your 10th anniversary blog post that reminded me how long I've been doing this. Funny how the time went by! Thank you for reading.

  4. Happy Anniversary. I sure have enjoyed you photos and stories. I worked and lived in several places in Arizona and New Mexico during my working years with Santa Fe / BNSF Railroad. Winslow Az. I thought would have been my last move however I ended up moving 5 more times with them after that. It was actually very interesting to live in so many different places. Take Good Care Larry S. Roswell NM

    1. Larry, it's wonderful to hear from you. Sometimes blogging is like sending words out into the void--you just never know if anyone reads them. I'm so glad you've been enjoying the blog.
