We drove out to Fort Sumner yesterday to visit the purported site (there seems to be some controversy about the location) of Billy the Kid's grave.
We saw the Bosque Redondo Memorial, site of a terrible chapter in American history. You can read the tragic story at http://www.southernnewmexico.com/Articles/Southeast/De_Baca/FortSumner/BosqueRedondo-destination.html.
The town of Fort Sumner was delightful. This is clearly a community that has worked together to make a wonderful downtown area. I loved the murals that were painted on the sides of many of the buildings. I couldn't find out anything about them or the artist on the Internet, so I sent an email to the Chamber of Commerce and got this response: "They were painted by a local artist, Karen Steele. Several years ago the chamber decided to do something about empty bldgs etc. and Karen volunteered to paint the murals, the chamber provided the paint." For contact information about the artist, email the Chamber at info@ftsumnerchamber.com. The Zia Theater mural was my favorite. Here are two shots of it.
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