Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Old Kitchen, Before and After

This is part of the series, The House on High Street. The entire series is indexed here

Here is the old original kitchen, with its fireplace, andirons, and cranes (hard to see in this poor quality photo, which is a digital photograph of an old print that had been taken in pre-digital days. Clicking on it helps show some blurry details). We had removed almost all the layers of the old wallpaper from the walls at this point, and were starting on plaster repair to the walls. To the right of the fireplace opening, you can see the little door, formerly wedged in over the opening to the beehive oven, and now just leaning up against the oven. 

Here is the only "after" picture I am able to find right now, taken from a newspaper article about the play that was written about the house as a stop on the Underground Railroad. That's the new owner with his banjo. This man loves the Kelley House so much that he has vowed that he will live there until he dies. 

The pot hanging from the crane was one that was found behind the little door. 


Margie's Musings said...

How neat!

June Saville said...

I'm pleased to see the 'brush ups' in your homes haven't destroyed the character. You're very sensitive to the aged ones' needs.
June in Oz

Sylvia K said...

This has been so fun to read! Love the history!

Akkire said...

i know you are so happy in your new home,but it seems so wrong to know and picture anyone else living in your old house.

clairz said...

You're right, Erikka, we do love our new house. It's only 16 years old! There isn't much upkeep and that gives us a lot of free time.

I think the new owner is young and energetic enough and has enough money to keep up with the demands of that old house. It is funny, though, to think of all those rooms being inhabited by just one person.

He has kept The Pretty Room just the same--curtains and all--although he has (gasp!) a TV in there.

Judy said...

You all did a great job of remodeling and keeping the character of the place. I absolutely hate to remove wallpaper and will never have it again in my home!

Rebecca Zarges-Joy said...

A TV in the Pretty Room?! Noooooo!!!!!! I can't even imagine it! I have driven by the house a few times since moving back to Manchester and there is a barn/garage now where the "connector" betwwen the house and barn used to be. This is just my opinion,but I don't like it. It is wood colored and doesn't keep with the old colonial look of the house that we all worked so hard on to restore. Oh well, what can you do? Not everybody has the same taste. Judy- AMEN SISTA!!!(Lol). Removing wallpaper is an awful job that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy!!!! I wish the stuff was never invented! In my opinion there is no need for it. I have yet to see any wllpaper that isn't tacky! I guess you raised me right mom!!! Lol