Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Mountains Come, the Mountains Go: For Skywatch

Here is another one of those days with strange lighting. The storm clouds are so low that they have completely hidden our mountains, usually visible from this side of the house. The setting sun has lit up the tops of the trees, while the rest of the orchard is dark. And the east mesa is struck with light, a little bit like the earlier shot I posted for Skywatch, below. In that shot, taken from the same patio on a different afternoon, you can see the missing mountains.

For mountains and seascapes and prairies with their accompanying skies as seen all over the world, please visit Skywatch.


Kate said...

The weather in this state always amazing me; it changes rapidly from one extreme to another. Keeps you on your toes! I particularly like the top photo because of the light on the trees.

JC said...

Those two photos are gorgeous !!!

(I am so glad I found you)

Regina said...

Beautiful skies! Great captures Clairz.!
Happy weekend.

Mojo said...

That second shot almost looks like a brush fire. Awesome lighting.

Laura said...

It is as though the mountains have disappeared in the first photo! What a beautiful view you have from your home. You are truly blessed.

Eaglesbrother said...

Simply put...Beautiful.
Creator does love to amaze us with the beauty He creates.

Unknown said...

Wow that's the kind of lighting I just love for photography, so interesting, great shots.

eden said...

Gorgeous captures. Love both photos.
Have a great weekend.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love it late in the day when the sun does the contrast like you show.

jabblog said...

How extraordinary! Your first photograph has an eerie quality to it and no-one who didn't know would ever guess there were mountains there. Great captures!

My name is Riet said...

Such great shots. Beautiful

Mary Hulser said...

So beautiful....and so sad that we are still here instead of there...

syel said...

wow! that's a great lighting for your photo, really really interesting. glad you captured this! :)

Dewdrop said...

Love the way the sun is peaking out. Amazing how the mountains are obscured. WOW!

Martha Z said...

A spotlight in front of a curtain. Great capture!

Samson said...

Georgious photo's

Pat said...

Stunning! I love the orange-gold light on the trees.

Dimple said...

I love this type of lighting, it's so out of the ordinary! Blessings!

Al said...

There's incredible light in both those photos. It's a perfect Skywatch submission.

Judy said...

It is amazing that the mountains are completely blocked out in the first picture. WOW. Great pictures. I tagged you on my blog for a good cause if you are interested in participating. Thanks.

Kcalpesh said...

These are really awesome compositions! Supershots!

Pixellicious Photos

Anonymous said...

Very cool!

Beth said...

Those are stunning shots, Clair. The light is so dramatic and surreal. I've lived in the South all my life, and I'm struck by how different the quality of the light is in the West from here. Hope to see it for myself someday.