Back to the situation in Las Cruces. I thought at first--oh, no, not another sewing slipup!--but when I leaned down to check, she gave one more yowl and out popped a little snakelet. Somehow, in spite of the energy expended in jumping up and down and shouting various things, I managed to get the broom, sweep the snake out the door and into my garden. I have to admit, I never weeded that section much after that, figuring that the little guy had lots more family somewhere out there.
Here she is, survivor of snake adventures and sewing catastrophes: Keekerekka Z., 1985-2004. She is modeling a raccoon collar in this photo, don't ask me why. 

are you recuperating? how was surgery?
This is a great heading (sewing slip-up) for writing about surgery!! I am recovering, whipped along by the mercilous folk down at PT. The surgeon keeps the wound uncovered, gets the patient started on PT in the hospital and into the shower all on day two--all of which make a big difference in speed of recovery. I have 6 trips to outpatient PT in these first two weeks and then I am on my own. The grotty staples come out next Monday. I have graduated from a walker to a cane to a little bit of walking independently. All this just 9 days after surgery. Muy quicko!
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