Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dark Skies Over the Night Train, for Skywatch

On our recent train trip from New Mexico to Boston and back again, I was fascinated by the night scenes I could observe from the lower berth. I awoke one night when the train stopped for fuel in Kansas City, Missouri.

Mmm, mmm, it doesn't get any better than a night train. A night train in Kansas City. I know there's a song there, somewhere...

I loved the angles and the light and the sight of the empty night train. And the dark skies, of course, for Skywatch.

I think I just like that phrase: Night train. It conjures up the memory of train sounds, and that slightly swaying train feeling, and the darkness sliding by, and the moon on the river, and the clackety sound of going over the bridges. Night train.

And I really, really loved the effects I could get of the night lights in Kansas City, once the train started moving. You can see that it was just a little bumpy, down there in the lower berth. 

For skies in the day and skies in the night, be sure to visit Skywatch Friday


Linda said...

"Nighttime on The City of New Orleans,
Changing cars in Memphis, Tennessee.
Half way home, we'll be there by morning
Through the Mississippi darkness
Rolling down to the sea.

Good night, America, how are you?
Don't you know me I'm your native son,
I'm the train they call The City of New Orleans,
I'll be gone five hundred miles when the day is done."

Gives me shivers down the spine! Your photos of nighttime trains are so evocative.

Sylvia K said...

I do love trains!! And particularly the night trains. Great post and photos, Clairz! Gave me some shivers down the spine as well! Hope you have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Love the motion and colours in the last photo.

Your photos are very evocative of that slightly eerie night-time feeling.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I just really want to go down to the Amtrak station right this miniute and hop on a train. I don't care where to as long as it involveds an overnight!

Liz said...

Beautiful night shots. Happy sky watching.

Liz @ A Simple Life

Laura said...

Exciting night photos Clair...I didn't know you were in Boston, you were very close to me:-)

Kay L. Davies said...

There's nothing like a lower berth on a train, that's for sure. I always sleep so well on a train, but waking up when the train stops in a station is a bonus, as you have shown so beautifully.
We didn't take any night trains in Europe when we were there this spring, because everything is so close together, the trips are too short for an overnight. What a surprise to North Americans!
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Jackie said...

The one thing I never did whilst living in the USA was travel by Amtrak, and I regret that.
Lovely shots, especially the last one.

Carver said...

Wonderful shots. I love trains.

Kim, USA said...

Lovely night time shooting.

Peach Sky

Karen said...

Great shots, I like the last one!

Al said...

I like these shots, very inventive. I've never taken a long train trip (the longest I've ever been on was from Pusan to Seoul, and that's only a few hours). I'd love to do a cross-country train ride!

Rajesh said...

Veey nice shots from the train in the night.

TorAa said...

I like - and the last one ART

Unknown said...

Trains and boats and planes are passing by...from Frank Sinatra, is that the song you mean? In my childhood I went to school a lot by, happy memories!
Thanks for visiting my blog:)

SandyCarlson said...

These are fun.

Owlfarmer said...

I used to take the train from Chicago to Dallas and back--and often wish I'd had a camera with me (would that iPhones had been invented twenty years ago). These are wonderful, Clair--aspects one doesn't often think to capture.

Quiet Paths said...

So very neat; all of these are making me want to get on the train again. It's been five years. I love that last one... great shots, lady.

Ingrid said...

Very special night skies !

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Love the last shot... kind of abstract in a nice way!

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

I'm wanting more and more to take a long train trip...LT is going to ban me from blogging! Gives me too many ideas!

Yes, Night Train...definitely evokes more than "we went to Boston" ha! Something mysterious and surreptitious about "night train"...

Explorerminded said...

wow, I love the whole concept...great shots! thanks for dropping by!

Randy said...

What wonderful night shots! I would love to travel by train one day.

Morning Bray Farm said...

Very cool, Clairz. :)

becky said...

I like that song linda wrote about. I found several that had the night train in them.
See, it IS romantic to ride by rail!
I like the last shot- it's like racing glow- worms!