July sunrise in the flooded orchard

The chile plants are a couple of feet high and the corn is truly as "high as an elephant's eye." The cabbage crop has been harvested, and the onion harvest continues. I tried to get a good shot that would show just how labor intensive that harvesting onions looks to me--this was just a small portion of the field and there were trucks parked all around it with many workers out there in the heat, laboring to fill those big boxes. It sure smelled good, though.
In the gardens around town, we are seeing the most beautiful butterfly bushes in pinks and blues. Of course, I want to get some to plant. The brilliantly-colored canna lilies are just about to bloom, too.
We'll go to the Farmers Market on the weekend to see what's happening there.
I have a sort of purple butterfly bush in my back yard. I love how they come to dance.
Yeah farmers' markets! (Smiling sneakedly)---you sure can find some great kettle corn there!
JC, I believe I've seen some pink and blue ones too. I want them in all colors, they're so pretty.
Sandy, nothing sneaky about you kettle corn salespeople. Of course, you know where our first stop is at the market!
Your new header picture is beautiful, and it looks great with your blog background. I remember colorful skies like this on occasion when we were in Florida, but rarely here. Terrific picture.
Wow! So much is growing down there. Thank goodness for irrigation. This has been such a dry spring and summer that the grass is dying and dead, even in the mountains.
I'm glad I didn't bother with a garden this year, because it would have been too labor intensive with this lack of rain.
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