Friday, July 30, 2010

Scenes from My Sister's Garden, 1

My magic only extends to the bringing of storms; my sister's magic is all about making art and growing things.

My tomatoes all blew away.
If she had planted tomatoes she would be making sauces right now.

I follow directions. When I read that lavender and rosemary like dry soil and don't like to be fed, that is what I do.
My sister doesn't believe that directions apply to her, so she feeds and waters hers copiously.

My lavender and rosemary just look like they have been treated poorly.
Hers bloom and clamber right out of the pot and across the ground.

I might tell my plants to "buck up" occasionally.
She speaks to hers constantly and cares for them tenderly and they respond with love.


Mary Hulser said...

I miss you, Auntie!!! You, too, Clair. And morning glories are very meaningful to me. Someday I will tell you the story....

clairz said...

Well, then, Mary, this post is dedicated to YOU!

Nan said...

You mustn't be too hard on yourself since you are in a whole new world of gardening out there!

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

I'm a nice girl. I have friends, can cook, and shower daily.

I am not a gardener. I have a black thumb; when I buy a plant LT says it's the kiss of death for the poor thing. We all have different strengths...thank goodness!

You take a darn good picture of a thriving plant, though!


Martha Z said...

You sister has a lovely garden, I like the way the morning gloriew climb up the colorful streamers.
I appreciate your comments about my Michael post. It is my intention to raise awareness but on my blog I feel I am preaching to the choir.

clairz said...

Nan, it has always been this way, whether I was gardening in the Pacific Northwest, in New England, or now in the middle of an orchard in the middle of the desert.

Deb, I'm a nice girl (giggle), too. I have friends, but can't shower daily or cook because I still have no gas here in the Land of Mañana ever since that big storm.

Although the tomatoes blew away, the cacti are doing well. That's probably a message from the desert about what I should be planting.

Martha Z--do you suppose we are related?

~Clair Z.

Kate said...

Great photos and great commentary! Thanks so much for your visits to my Santa Fe blog, esp. since my time is limited to respond because of my *%^&$#!! computer issues! Feels good to be back here, even if it's only for a short visit.

Jean (aka Auntie Bucksnort) said...

Hi Mary, we miss you too!!

Thank you for taking pictures of my little garden. Someday I'll be brave enough to plant something in the ground like you do!