...hearing Spanglish spoken
...going to basketball games at NMSU
...seeing that wonderful church with the blue neon crosses
...looking up at the Organ Mountains, even if they do look like the painted backdrop for an old cowboy movie
...the smell of chiles roasting in the fall
...the smell of mesquite and piƱon fireplace fires in the winter
...the plaza in Mesilla when it's decorated for Christmas
...the celebration of los Dias de los Muertos
...hot summer evenings just after the sun goes down
...sitting out on the patio of a restaurant, drinking cervezas, looking across the river and up at the mountains and listening to the birds
...the smell of rain in the desert
...shopping! I'm not even a shopper but I do like to shop in Las Cruces
...the funky places along Picacho (they'd still better be there). We bought a crazy chicken cabinet from Mexico there that we've dragged all over with us ever since

...more shopping! All the little shops down in Mesilla, and especially that wonderful book store with all the little nooks and crannies

...that great vegetable and fruit store [somewhere in the middle of town] where we used to fill up several bags for only $10--all kinds of produce, including a bunch of stuff we didn't recognize
...sitting on that dirt road at the base of the Organs and watching the sunset. Then dragging our eyes away from the incredible sky to find we were surrounded by curious cattle
....driving up to "A" Mountain at night to look at the stars
...going to that strange butcher with the sharp teeth to buy the most incredible meat we've ever had, before or since
...eating at Peppers Cafe in Mesilla, sitting by the fountain and gazing at the bougainvillea growing up against the skylight
...appreciating the choices represented by the different residential areas--from brand-new subdivisions to the tree-lined streets of Mesilla Park to the lovely older adobes down in the Alameda
...doing business at a well-organized, friendly, and efficient Motor Vehicles department (sorry, Clovis)
...living in an open-minded environment where people are accepted even though they might be different (sorry again, Clovis!!!)
...driving through empty streets before the sun has come up over the top of the Organ Mountains, hearing the sprinklers going, and smelling the incredible morning air
...flowers blooming in February (sorry, New Hampshire)
...thinking about moving back there again someday
what a great chicken cabinet!
My neice is going to be going to college at New Mexico State University. I haven't really spent any time in Las Cruces. I look forward to going down to see her and getting to know Las Cruces better!
WOW Clair I think you made me want to visit there-- HUMM!!! Someday I will make that a destination and I will let you know and we will share a cervasa outside-- I love that-- miss you but I am so glad you are there, you deserve that
Carol C from Fremont- You can't tell cause this is my library email so my name here is Booker Page! LOL Remember how literal I am! LOL
Carol (Booker), now that we have a house in Las Cruces, we have our own patio that looks out on the mountains. When you come down we can drink our cervesas right there!
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