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Perhaps, after all, our best thoughts come when we are alone. It is good to listen, not to voices but to the wind blowing, to the brook running cool over polished stones, to bees drowsy with the weight of pollen. If we attend to the music of the earth, we reach serenity. And then, in some unexplained way, we share it with others. ~Gladys Taber
Last January, I wrote a post about the books of Gladys Taber. Just the other day, I received another comment on that post from Shelley, who suggested that I might want to visit her website, Welcome to Gladys Taber's Stillmeadow, a tribute to Gladys that was started by Susan E. Stanley and continued by Shelley when Susan died in 2007. [Note: I'm sorry to see that this link no longer works. CZ, 4/14/10].
I'm so glad that I visited--it's a lovely site with lot of photos and memories of Gladys, information about her books, and a wonderful video of the animals at Stillmeadow, the Connecticut farm where Gladys lived and wrote for so many years. You can even see Gladys' family tree.
Here are some other links to sites about the well-loved author.
Gladys Taber's Still Cove (her home on Cape Cod)
Ahh yes, I remember reading the Gladys Taber books back in the 60s. I wish they came in audio download format but they don't. I'd love to listen to them.
I'd love to listen to the 'Little House on the Praire' series but they're not available in audio download either.
Hello...Shelley here again. Sadly, two things coincided. The site that hosted my Gladys site closed AND my computer (which held all of the pages) crashed!!
Please know that there IS another Gladys site in the works...and as soon as it's up and running I will let you know.
Meanwhile, if you'd like to get on my mailing list you can contact me at and I'll be sure to update you even sooner.
Just a note...Gladys was related to Laura Ingalls Wilder!!
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